This notice provides you information concerning the privacy practices of our firm concerning its web site and email.
1. Collection of Information
Our firm does not collect information about how you look at our site using cookies or any other electronic monitoring. The only information the firm receives from the web site about you is email you send to us by clicking on a link to our general email address. You are not required to provide any information to our firm in order to use our web site.
Our attorneys correspond with clients by email. The firm collects the information in the email for use in the firm’s legal services for clients.
2. Use of Information and Information Sharing
Our firm uses information in email received through our web site or otherwise solely for communications with clients and potential clients and conducting the business of the firm. The firm retains only the electronic information that is required to provide ongoing services to its clients and meet its professional requirements.
Clients’ personal information is held in confidence and is not shared, sold, or otherwise disclosed without their permission, except when required by law or judicial or administrative process.
3. Security Practices
We use physical, workstation, personnel, and procedural security measures to protect information received by email from theft, loss, or alteration. You should be aware, however, that the Internet is not guaranteed to be secure. While the firm’s security measures reduce the risk to information, the firm cannot eliminate all risk of theft, loss, or alteration.
We are able to communicate with clients using encrypted email upon their request.
4. Access to Information and Updates
Our clients can access the email and other electronic information in the firm’s records by requesting the information from the attorney providing them services. That attorney will also, upon a client’s request, update the information or correct any inaccuracies.
5. Amendments
We reserve the right to amend this privacy notice from time to time. Amendments are effective upon posting them to the firm’s web site.
6. Contact Information
If you have any concerns or questions concerning this privacy notice, please direct them to the firm by sending email to
This website is designed for general information only. The website does not comprise legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship.